Online Marketing FAQ - How Quickly Can I Make Money Writing Articles?

on Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Online Marketing FAQ - How Quickly Can I Make Money Writing Articles? Does content marketing take a long time to work? How many days after I write my first article will I be making money? And what is the difference between CONTENT marketing and article marketing? How does that distinction differ when it comes to turning a PROFIT from my words?

Online Marketing FAQ - How Quickly Can I Make Money Writing Articles?

Any of these questions sound familiar? In this article I'm going to share my own experience with turning content into CASH... and explore a fundamental difference you really MUST learn if you are eager to start earning an income online, and make it happen in a hurry.

Curious? Let's dive in and look a bit closer... immediately below.

Q: How long will it take to make money from writing content?

The truth is, it totally depends on the TYPE of content marketing you do. For example, if you write articles for directory syndication, you can literally be earning an income, and making sales... in a mere matter of hours or days.


If by content marketing you mean building a blog, or writing PDF's, or even selling ebooks on Kindle for the purpose of both profit and lead generation, the length of time it will take you to earn a sizable income will be MUCH longer.

(note: this is a general rule and for reasons that extends well beyond the scope of this article - and applies to 99% of online entrepreneurs. Obviously if you have a HIGH traffic existing authority site that gets thousands of visitors a day, this equation will be a bit different, and you may want to approach this process a bit differently)

Here is how article marketing and content marketing differ:

When you write and submit articles (like this one you are reading) to the high volume directories, you are literally getting your content in front of tens, or even hundreds of thousands of readers in a very short time span. Because the article directories already have TONS of trust, and lots of traffic, you can "borrow" that trust for the length of time your content lives at the top of the recent results, often resulting in an AVALANCHE of traffic... literally overnight. (especially in the big niches that have evergreen interest like diet, dating, divorce, etc)

Whereas content marketing is a MUCH slower "slog"... especially if you are a relative unknown, or don't have an existing blog that gets much attention from readers, or the search engines. (and the big reason why many people give UP way too prematurely to boot)

Here is a quick example -

In a dating niche, a few years ago, I literally generated about 100 thousand new readers, totally part time... in about 30 days, simply writing articles. I used those articles to build a list of about 20 thousand people, who I could "talk" to everyday, via my automated email sequence.


My blog in that same niche, over the same period of time... literally got like 75 visitors from the search engines. Similar content - but because I was brand new, if I was counting on THAT approach online to eat or earn money, I would have starved and gone broke before the month was out.

A well designed content marketing campaign, especially if it involves offsite syndication, will make you money within the first 7-14 days. Often even more quickly than that. The key is how you design your campaign - where you put your content first, and what you DO with your subscribers, after they sign up.

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